Goddess of Vengeance Read online

Page 15

  Arriving at Billy’s house, Max was horrified to observe a bunch of paparazzi milling around outside the gates. Hurriedly she instructed the driver not to stop, and had him take her around the corner, where she pulled out her cell and called Billy.

  ‘There’s an alley behind the house,’ he informed her. ‘Take that an’ I’ll make sure the back gate is open.’

  Her heart was beating fast. She had a date with Billy Melina. She’d actually screwed Billy Melina. Or he’d screwed her. Whatever. She’d done the deed, and that was all that mattered.

  Man, this was totally surreal.

  * * *

  Over coffee and dessert Lucky grilled Jeffrey about their morning appointment. ‘Exactly why do you feel it necessary for me to meet with these people from Jordan Developments?’ she asked.

  ‘Because they have plenty of money to invest in future projects, and in my opinion it’s always prudent to keep that money close,’ Jeffrey explained. ‘Who knows what you’ll decide to do next, Lucky. And in this economy, investors with actual cash are gold.’ Jeffrey had worked with Lucky for several years, and he always tried to keep a step or two ahead of her. Knowing the way her mind worked, eventually he was sure she would want to expand, so he was merely putting everything in place should this happen. ‘I checked the company out,’ he continued. ‘It’s solid, Armand Jordan is legitimate. He’s a billionaire and a useful man for us to know. Fouad Khan is his right-hand man.’

  ‘Isn’t this the company you told me wanted to buy The Keys?’ Lucky asked, sipping a limoncello.

  ‘Initially yes. But they know it’s not an option. No harm in seeing what they have to offer.’

  ‘I suppose you definitely want me to be there?’ Lucky questioned.

  ‘It’s a meeting,’ Jeffrey said firmly. ‘What’s to lose?’

  ‘Fine,’ she said, downing the rest of her limoncello in one quick gulp. ‘And now, it’s time to get personal. What’s all this about you getting a divorce?’

  Jeffrey fidgeted uncomfortably; he wasn’t expecting this.

  ‘Tell me everything,’ Lucky continued. ‘Don’t hold anything back.’

  Reluctantly Jeffrey began to reveal every little detail. Lucky had the knack of getting people to talk; she would have made an excellent interrogator.

  ‘Enough,’ Gino said at last, intervening with a hoarse chuckle. ‘Give the poor bastard a break. You’re makin’ him sweat.’

  ‘Sure,’ Lucky said with a half-smile. ‘I’ll let Jeffrey off the hook. Only you have to agree that I would’ve made a great shrink. Oh, and Jeffrey, after the board meeting tomorrow, I expect plenty more info on your marital woes, so be prepared.’

  ‘Yeah, and you’d better come up with somethin’ juicy,’ Gino added, with a crafty grin. ‘You know my Lucky, she always goes straight for the goods.’

  ‘Ah yes, and guess who I learned it from,’ Lucky replied with a wink.

  ‘I do believe a toast is in order,’ Gino’s wife, Paige, announced, lifting her glass of champagne. ‘To the Santangelos. May they never stop bickering!’

  Everyone laughed and clinked glasses.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  ‘Hey,’ Billy said, greeting Max at the back gate, barefoot and casual in jeans and a faded denim work shirk.

  ‘Hey,’ she replied, thinking he truly was so major hot that it almost hurt.

  Leonardo, Taylor, Rob, take a backseat. Billy Melina is the hottest dude in town – any town.

  ‘Wassup?’ Billy asked, heading toward the living room.

  ‘Had a cab driver from hell,’ she complained, trailing behind him. ‘He drove the freeway like a maniac. Thought I’d be like dead before I even got here.’

  ‘That sucks.’

  ‘Totally,’ she said, her eyes darting around his living room which was all sparse concrete curves and modern furniture. ‘This is different,’ she remarked.

  ‘I’m renting,’ he explained. ‘Not my style really.’

  ‘Nice pool,’ she said, moving toward the glass doors that led outside.

  For a brief moment he was tempted to take her out to the pool, have her blow him the way he enjoyed, then send her on her way.

  But no. Max wasn’t that kind of girl.

  ‘I guess when the divorce is finalized I’ll be lookin’ to buy,’ he said. ‘Maybe at the beach. I kinda love Malibu.’

  ‘When’s that gonna be?’ she said, thinking how cool it would be if Billy was her neighbour.

  He gave a casual shrug. ‘Dunno. Soon, I hope.’

  ‘Uh . . . how was your inter view?’ she asked, wondering if she should sit down, or were they going straight out?

  ‘Some pissy uptight girl with attitude. All she wanted to talk about was Venus an’ the divorce. After ten minutes of her crap, I cut the interview short.’

  ‘What did your PR say? She must’ve been pissed.’

  ‘Who gives a shit,’ he said, moving to the open-plan kitchen. ‘Want somethin’ to drink?’

  ‘Yes please,’ she said, testing him. ‘I’ll have a double vodka on the rocks with a twist.’

  ‘Very funny.’

  ‘You asked.’

  ‘A Coke? 7UP? Sprite?’

  ‘What makes you think I don’t drink?’

  ‘Do you?’

  ‘Not much.’

  He gave her a quizzical look. ‘So what’s it like being Lucky’s kid?’

  ‘Don’t call me that.’

  ‘You get along, don’t you?’

  ‘I take after my brother, Bobby,’ she explained. ‘Of course I love Lucky, and my dad. But I gotta forge my own identity, that’s why I’m moving to New York.’ She hesitated for a second, then added, ‘Uh, maybe.’ Because now that she’d met Billy she wasn’t so sure that she still wanted to make the move east.

  ‘I get it,’ Billy said, nodding. ‘That’s exactly how I felt being married to Venus. It was a total downer, I was never my own person. However famous I got, she was always more famous. It’s a drag tryin’ to live up to somebody else’s success.’

  ‘Don’t I know it.’

  ‘Uh-huh, I guess you do. You got it comin’ at you from both sides. Your mom, an’ then Lennie.’

  ‘That is so true,’ Max agreed, thrilled that he seemed to understand. ‘Being the daughter of two famous parents is no joke.’

  Billy opened the fridge, took out a can of 7UP and handed it to her. ‘I’m guessing,’ he said.

  ‘Good guess,’ she answered, opening it and gulping down a few blasts.

  Billy decided that now was the time to tell her that he had something else to do, but somehow he wasn’t feeling it. He liked having her in his house. He liked spending time with her.

  ‘So . . . are we going out or what?’ she asked, immediately regretting her words because God forbid she came across as pushy.

  ‘It’s kinda not a cool idea,’ he replied. ‘Y’know, what with the paparazzi an’ all. They’re doggin’ my every move ’cause of the divorce.’

  ‘Oh yes,’ she said quickly. ‘I totally get it.’

  ‘But,’ he added, noting her disappointment, ‘doesn’t mean we can’t send out for food. What d’you feel like?’

  I feel like you kissing me, and telling me that last night meant something to you. That I’m not just another notch on your movie-star belt. That you want to see more of me. Much, much more.

  ‘Uh, pizza,’ she said.

  Billy grinned. She noted that he had amazing dimples and extremely white teeth. ‘Cheap date,’ he remarked. ‘Thought you were gonna ask for caviar.’

  ‘Caviar’s not for me,’ she said, wrinkling her nose. ‘It’s gross and tastes all fishy.’

  ‘Right on!’ Billy said, heartily agreeing. ‘Venus was always trying to get me to like it. “Caviar’s an acquired taste,” she would say. Too bad for her I never acquired it.’

  Max giggled, wished that she hadn’t, wished that he wouldn’t keep mentioning Venus, wondered if they were going to do it again, and hoped that he woul
d make a move.

  He didn’t. He picked up the phone and ordered two large Margarita pizzas from Mulberry Street.

  ‘Uh . . . how was driving the Ferrari?’ she ventured.

  ‘Some freakin’ car!’ he enthused, thinking it was best not to mention that he’d gotten pulled over on San Vicente, and that a dozen paparazzi had materialized from nowhere, capturing the whole thing with a thousand intrusive flashes. ‘Nearly got me a speeding ticket, but the cop recognized me, an’ he let me take off.’

  Max was relieved that he hadn’t gotten a ticket, which would have automatically been sent to the owner of the car. Or maybe not. Was a speeding ticket the same deal as a parking ticket? She didn’t know and she didn’t care. As long as Lucky’s Ferrari was in one piece, that was all that mattered.

  ‘Must be a kick getting recognized,’ she said, wondering if she’d ever be famous. Not that she wanted to be. Her plan was to succeed in business just like Bobby. Although what business that would be she hadn’t quite figured out.

  ‘At first, yeah,’ Billy said, with a casual yawn. ‘Then it gets old, real old. Fame comes with plenty of downside.’

  ‘And plenty of money,’ she blurted, hoping the yawn wasn’t a hint that she should go.

  Now why did I say such a stupid thing? I don’t care if he has any money or not.

  ‘Gotta pay my agent, manager, PR, accountant, business manager, and the tax man. It’s not as much as everyone thinks,’ Billy said. ‘At least I don’t hav’ta pay Venus alimony, an’ I want nothin’ from her. Our only fight is over a couple of properties.’

  Once again Max wished he would stop mentioning Venus. Every time he did, it brought her back to reality with a nasty jolt.

  ‘Wanna talk about what happened last night?’ Billy asked, startling her.

  No! She did not want to talk about last night. Too embarrassing. Did he honestly think they were going to have a casual chat about him taking her virginity. No thank you!

  She wished she’d never told him it was her first time going all the way. After all, it wasn’t as if she was inexperienced with guys. She’d gotten down and dirty with a few of them. Oral sex was nothing new – although Billy hadn’t asked her to do that. She and Ace had definitely taken it to the brink on many occasions, stopping just in time.

  Anyway, it was no big deal. She was glad she’d waited. And she was thrilled that Billy had turned out to be The One.

  When and if she ever confided in Cookie, her friend would say – ‘What the hell were you waitin’ for, girl? It’s not just the boys who can have fun!’

  ‘Uh . . . last night was great,’ she mumbled. ‘What time’s the pizza coming?’

  He arched an amused eyebrow. ‘Starving hungry or in a hurry?’

  ‘Both,’ she answered in a rush.

  ‘Didn’t you say you had time to go to dinner?’ he said, crinkling his blue eyes.

  ‘Well, we’re not doing that, are we?’ she said, a touch truculently.


  ‘Why would I be?’

  He shrugged, somewhat perplexed that she seemed to be veering toward a bad mood. Had he said something? Done something?

  Females. Mercurial creatures, always changing. They were all the same whether they were seventeen or forty.

  ‘I’ll call back an’ put a rush on it,’ he volunteered.

  ‘You don’t have to do that.’

  ‘Hey, if you’re in a hurry—’

  ‘I’m not,’ she said, feeling like an idiot. Why was she giving him a hard time? It wasn’t as if she meant to.

  ‘Then whyn’t we go outside, sit by the pool, put on some sounds an’ relax,’ he suggested.

  And just when she was thinking how perfect that would be, his doorbell rang.

  * * *

  It was past midnight and finally back in L.A. Bobby used the stealth move to get into Denver’s apartment. He made his way in very quietly, but Amy Winehouse heard him at the door and came bounding out of the bedroom, tail wagging.

  Hurriedly he quieted the dog, then began stripping off his clothes before heading for the bedroom.

  Just as he thought, Denver was asleep, au naturel as usual, with only a sheet covering her.

  He slid into bed beside her, edging up against her smooth body. Man, she had skin like satin.

  Screw Annabelle Maestro for daring to call her a mutt. What a jealous bitch, because not only was Denver gorgeous, she was smart, thoughtful and dedicated to her job, but most of all she was real in every way. Every one of her qualities added up to one hell of a lethal combination. Annabelle Maestro should be so lucky.

  ‘I’m home,’ he whispered in Denver’s ear, feeling a familiar stirring.

  ‘Mmmm . . .’ she murmured, slowly turning over so that she faced him. ‘It’s about time. Why’d it take you so long?’

  ‘Didn’t mean to wake you, sleepyhead.’

  ‘That’s okay,’ she said softly, all thoughts of being pissed at him vanishing as she reached down under the sheet and began caressing his burgeoning hard-on.

  ‘I really didn’t want you to wake up,’ he repeated.

  ‘Sure you didn’t,’ she drawled, still caressing him. ‘This fine upstanding member of society wouldn’t wake me at all.’

  ‘I’ve been saving up,’ he quipped, loving the feel of her hands on him.

  ‘How very thoughtful of you,’ she replied, experiencing a fervent rush of desire. Her man was home, and that was all she cared about.

  ‘Missed you,’ he said, moving even closer. ‘Really missed you.’

  ‘You did?’

  ‘Of course I did.’

  ‘Missed you too,’ she responded, revelling in the feel of him hard and strong against her thigh.

  And without any further conversation his hands began exploring her body, touching her in all the places he knew she liked to be touched. Kissing her breasts, fondling her nipples, kicking off the sheet and moving down her body with his tongue, licking her skin every inch of the way.

  Then he was between her legs, slowly parting her thighs, plunging his tongue into her wetness, causing her to throw her arms across her face and groan with pleasure.

  After a few minutes he surfaced for air.

  ‘Sooo good,’ she sighed, feeling the joy. ‘More, please. I think I’ve been deprived.’

  ‘Is that an order?’ he said with a knowing laugh.

  Another sigh. ‘You’d better believe it.’

  And with no more doubts about whether she should be with Bobby or not, she gave herself up to the moment, luxuriating in his touch.

  * * *

  On Billy’s doorstep stood his best friend Kev, a total stoner, fresh from New York with luggage to prove it. Kev was short with wiry brown hair and a cocky expression.

  ‘Fuck!’ Billy yelled, happy to see him because Kev was his friend from way back – before the fame, the adulation, and the high-profile marriage. In fact, when he’d first arrived in Hollywood, he’d slept on the floor of Kev’s one-room apartment, and later – when he’d finally made it – Kev had acted as his chief gofer. They’d been inseparable until they’d both gotten married. Billy’s had lasted a lot longer than Kev’s. ‘Why didn’t you tell me you were comin’?’ he said, giving Kev a manly hug.

  ‘Didn’t want you gettin’ too excited,’ Kev joked, making his way into the living room, stopping short when he spotted Max. ‘Oh, shit!’ he exclaimed. ‘Am I interrupting something?’

  ‘No, man,’ Billy said. ‘Say hello to Max.’

  ‘Hello, pretty girl with the boy’s name,’ Kev said.

  Max rolled her eyes. ‘Like I haven’t heard that before.’

  Billy laughed. ‘This is my buddy Kev, an’ I can see you two are gonna get along just fine.’

  Max hurriedly checked Kev out. She’d already taken note of the two duffel bags by the front door; it seemed Kev had arrived to stay. He reminded her of E from Entourage, one of her favourite TV shows.

  ‘We just ordered pizza,’
Billy announced. ‘Max is starving and in a hurry.’

  Max felt her cheeks burn red. Was Billy now dismissing her because his friend had arrived? What a bummer!

  ‘Pizza an’ a beer sounds like it’s gonna hit the spot,’ Kev said, flopping down on the couch as if he lived there. And if his luggage was anything to go by – he was about to move in any second.

  ‘So, Max,’ Kev said, as Billy handed him a can of beer, ‘how come a boy’s name?’

  What an asshole question, but she answered it anyway, because if he was Billy’s friend she supposed she’d better get him to like her.

  ‘My given name is Maria,’ she answered lightly. ‘You go figure why I changed it.’

  Kev looked at Bill as if to say, What the fuck? Maria seems like an okay name to me.

  ‘Too Sound of Music,’ she explained, thinking that they would get it. But from their blank expressions it appeared that neither of them were movie buffs. Lucky and Lennie had organized movie nights since she was a little kid. From Grease to Saturday Night Fever and Flashdance, she’d been exposed to all the popular classics on DVD.

  ‘How long you here for?’ Billy asked, turning his attention back to Kev.

  ‘S’long as you’ll have me,’ Kev replied with a jaunty wink.

  Max felt her stomach dip. This was not a good turn of events. Not good at all.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Las Vegas. City of lights. City of sin. A magical mystery town where anything could happen, and usually did.

  Take call girls, they were obliging creatures, ready for action at all times. So when Armand called Yvonne Le Crane, a woman he’d dealt with several times before, she immediately sent two of her best girls. Tia, a petite Asian, and Fantasy – a slightly more robust black beauty who’d been told she resembled a young Naomi Campbell.

  They arrived at Armand’s hotel suite, armed with a selection of sex toys, handcuffs, whips, rubber bikinis, rolled joints, lotions, Viagra and Cialis and a bunch of condoms, ready to do whatever it took to make the client happy. Between them they had everything that might be needed crammed into their oversized Gucci purses. The expensive purses were a gift from a Malaysian Prince who’d been more than satisfied with their performances. So satisfied, that on top of their normal fee, the purses had come stuffed with hundred-dollar bills.